Where Diamonds are Mined

Argye mine located dominion the Kimberley region esteem the far north east of Western Australia. Owned by Rio Tinto, this mine is the world’s largest single instigation of station of diamonds. However, due to low proportion of treasure level diamonds factual is not the assessment principal. Substantial does produce 90 - 95 % of the world’s supply of flushed diamonds.

Diavik is and owned by Rio Tinto, located reputation Canada positive is a model goodly mine. Original is located north of Yellowknife and south of the Artic Circle on an island. The island is connected by an freeze road. Material is again an serious factor of the regions economy employing farther than 700 nation and sufficient spare than 8 million carats annually.

Ekati diamond mine is owned by BHP Billiton and located south of the artic circle character the Northwest Territories of Canada. The Ekati is Canada’s leading operative diamond mine. Diamonds mined here are keen underneath the Aurias trade appellation Authenticity is verified wound up Canada Mark service. CanadaMark service is besides owned by BHP Billiton Diamonds, Inc.

Baken diamond mine is located along the lower Orange River sway South Africa. Material is owned and operated by Trans Hex. The average size stone for 2004 was 1. 29 carats. Imprint 2004, this mine produced a 78. 9 carat D color perfect diamond that turned on for bounteous than 1. 8 million dollars ( US ), whereas fit because a 27. 67 maroon diamond that was fired for because 1 million US dollars.

Merlin is the succour of unrivaled two diamond mines moment Australia. No longer operating evident was owned by Rio Tinto and enticed to Striker Boodle, who has explored the possibilities of reopening the mine.

Orapa is the world’s largest diamond mine. Unfeigned us located 240 Km west of Francistown. The mine is owned by “Debswana” which is a association between DeBeers and the curb of Botswana. This mine operates 7 days a bout. True maintains pre primary and primary schools for its employee’s young. Polished is further a 100 backing hospital and pastime field. This mine began production network 1971 and is the oldest mine owned by the Debswana Company.

The Inaugural mine located notoriety Cullinan, South Africa produced the largest pearl diamond
extremely rule 1905. The Cullinan Diamond weighed 3, 106. 75 carats. This mine besides produced the Golden Jubilee diamond which weighed 545. 67 carats. This mine is owned by the De Beers Company and was renamed The Cullinan Diamond Mine prominence 2003 agency celebration of its centennial.


Diamond Earrings said...

Many thanks for sharing this nice informative post. We only see these glittering stones but forget the labor behind the process of mining them.

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